Category Archives: Personal

A Tribute to 2 Furry Family Members – Smokey and Chief

It was a tough 90 days for me and started on the December 19, 2009 the day I lost Smokey after 13 great years together!  Then on March 25, 2010 I lost Chief!  Both to cancer, but different types of … Continue reading

Posted in About me!, Cats, Dogs, Personal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

4th of July Fireworks at Ellis Park

4th of July Fireworks at Ellis Park in Cedar Rapids.  Calling this one………. “And Then There was One”  😉 Just messing around on this one.  Taken while waiting for the “show” to begin.  Zoomed the lens on a bulb exposure … Continue reading

Posted in 4th of July, About me!, Art, Artistic Adventures, night photography, Personal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments


My beautiful granddaughters from the 4th of July weekend!  🙂    These are all just candid shots of them, no posing just them being them!  Oh and the blue eyes are totally them, no postwork magic was done on them.  All were shot … Continue reading

Posted in About me!, Children, Personal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Johnson County Relay for Life – June 24, 2011

What a beautiful night for Relay it was!   If it involves fighting cancer you can bet I will be there!  Cancer has taken my father, two great friends, and two furry family members from me.   I hope you enjoy the … Continue reading

Posted in Cancer Awareness, Candids, Personal, Relay for Life | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Linn County – Relay for Life

If it involves fighting cancer you can bet I will be there!  Cancer has taken my father, two great friends, and two furry family members from me.   I hope you enjoy the slide show and that it makes you want … Continue reading

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An evening with my Granddaughters

My granddaughters came over for a few hours the other day, I always enjoy getting to see them!   I’ve said it before, it’s just cool to watch them “explore with such open minds.”   They make you stop and think, “yup, … Continue reading

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Simplicity Show – A Smith Gallery

This is just too cool!  I had to share!  🙂  Back to back shows!  “Doing a Happy Dance”  LoL  My image “White Moth” shown below has been accepted into A Smith Gallery’s Simplicity Competition juried by Robert Hecht.    Of the … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Art from the Heart Series, Artistic Adventures, Awards, Personal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Hummingbirds, Butterflies and Birds…Ohh my

Just some little backyard fun from earlier this summer!  Since the weather is so cold lately, thought I’d warm things up a bit with some VISIONS from warmer times.  🙂 Time out for a little preening.  As Always have a … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Art from the Heart Series, Artistic Adventures, Personal, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

3 Images Accepted to A Smith Gallery – Romance Show

First of all I would like to wish all my family, friends, and clients a Happy New Year!  Be safe in your celebrations tonight!   A VERY Special thanks to all my clients for making 2010 a very special year!  I … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Art from the Heart Series, Awards, Engagement Portraits, Personal | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to all my family, friends and clients who all helped to make 2010 a very special year! I wishe all of you the very best for 2011. We again will be offering you or very finest quality and … Continue reading

Posted in About me!, Art from the Heart Series, Personal, Positive Energy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment