
Hi, Hope you are having a great day!
From February 1, 2010 until April 30, 2010 we will donate $100.00 of every family, child, newborn, baby, and pet session fee to the American Cancer Society – Johnson County Relay for LifeI’m honored to be on the team Everyday Heroes and we hope to raise a lot of money for the American Cancer Society.  Our normal Session fee is $150.00

 Click here to view the team page for Everyday Heroes
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What is Relay?
 Relay is a unique community event where our team raises money to support the American Cancer Society’s life-saving mission.  We’ll camp out overnight and take turns walking around the track. To start off the evening, there is an incredible ceremony to celebrate cancer survivors and caregivers, and at dusk, a moving ceremony is held to honor and remember those who have fought the disease.  Relay is a night full of fun, hope, and remembrance – a life-changing experience.
Visit www.relayforlife.org/johnsoncountyia to sign up today. If you would like to create your own team – go right ahead!!! If you are not able to participate at Relay this year, I hope you’ll consider supporting our efforts by making an online donation.
Thank you!
If you or a loved one is facing cancer, the American Cancer Society can help.  Please contact us at 1.800.227.2345 or Cancer.org for more information. To learn more about Relay For Life®, please visit RelayForLife.org   

As always, hope you are having a wonderful day!

Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, You Deserve Something Special! 
319-270-7371  cell
You can also see more of my work at the following sites.
http://www.visionsphotography.wordpress.com  Blog

3 Responses to Specials

  1. Heather Wilson says:

    I know you have gien this to me but what are some of your package prices? I think that sitting fee is a great deal and we are really considering doing photos for holiday gifts!
    Oh love that pic of Zeplyn!!!! It’s a beautiful picture(the one of the my little boy you shot in the park).

  2. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  3. kathryn parry says:

    carl if i had the money i would have you do my photos! i love your work!!!

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