How To Cancel Tenancy Agreement

If you rent an apartment or apartment and there is a change in the company rules that has a negative impact on you, you can ask the rental court for help. The court may decide to terminate the temporary lease prematurely. Hello everyone, My tenants have to rent from 14 August and until today owe £1490, with £745 due on 14 October. They kept ignoring my texts and didn`t answer the door when I visited them. I remained very reasonable and totally accepted their happiness stories, but it no longer controls anything. Your AST will end on November 14. I don`t have notice before giving them the benefit of the doubt now My question is, how can I notify the notification if you don`t answer the door? I know they won`t sign for a registered delivery. What is the fastest and cheapest way to remove my tenants from my property. I protected their lease and they were issued a gas safety certificate when they moved in…

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