The Unity Of Religion Agreement

I thought of other conferences that were important in the history of unity. In 1893, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore went to the World`s Columbian Exposition in Chicago and met people who formed and formulated new ideas in religion. Two years later, they returned to Chicago for a meeting of the International Divine Science Association, and the Fillmores were selected to host the association`s next meeting in Kansas City. This conference opened on May 12, 1896 and you can imagine the great moment it must have been like for Charles and Myrtle Fillmore and Unity. It was so important to them that they didn`t take the time to publish a May issue of Unity, but they ousted them and published an extra-large issue of the magazine on June 1 to give their readers an account of all the encounters. All over the earth, there are thousands of people who seek spiritual leadership and communion and do not find them. People who can`t turn around anywhere. People who don`t communicate with anyone. People who feel like no one is interested in them. People are sick, hungry, worried and lonely. People are angry and scared. People who seek God and don`t know where to find God.

For all these people — people of all classes, people of all races, educated people, uneducated people, people of all religions, people without religion — for all human beings, unity comes. Unity asks for nothing as a quid pro quo, liberates them, offers them only to connect with themselves and God in a silent community of souls, and teaches them how to find god and God`s strength and intelligence in themselves and, with God`s help, create a good life for themselves and for others. Interim6 indicated that the main theme of the forum was population control. As Gorbachev revealed.” We will have to tackle the problem of controlling the world`s population. This theme has been addressed by the themes of global governance, global security, etc., but “nowhere has the topic been more obvious,” The Interim said, “than in discussions about religion.” In the cornerstone, Christianity was held responsible for the “dilemma of the people.” The Baháʼí concept of progressive revelation says that God is regular and periodic when it comes to revealing His will to mankind through messengers/prophets called manifestations of God. Each messenger, in turn, enters into a covenant and founds a religion.

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