Artistic Adventures – Photography Workshops

A while back on Facebook, I mentioned I was going to start giving photography workshops to new and upcoming photographers. 

They are going to be called Artistic Adventures and the first one is getting much closer! 

The first one will be Sunday, May 23rd from 1 to 4pm.  Yes this is not the optimal time of day to shoot, but if you can get a great shot in midday light, think what you can do during golden hours around sunrise and sunset.  🙂 

Also if you like to shoot portraits the street is a great place to start to improve!   Once again if you can get a great street portrait under harsh lighting conditions, think what you can do when you have control in a studio or when you shoot during “golden hour.”  There is a purpose for everything!  🙂

Cost will be $40 per person or two for $70 if you sign up together.  Class size will be limited to 10.   We will meet by Theater Cedar Rapids on 3rd st and 1st Ave in Cedar Rapids at 1pm.  I will be available to offer feedback the entire time.

You can reserve your spot by emailing me at: or calling 319-286-8483! 

Participating in this workshop is geared to those who want to improve “how to see” photographically, going from snap shots to fine art.

All cameras from cells to point and shoot to professional SLR’s are welcome, including all photo levels, beginners to professionals.  It’s not about the equipment, but more about learning “how to see.”

The session will last 3 hrs. The more you show me your images as you shoot, the more feedback you will receive and the more you will improve your compositional skills. There is not another photo workshop like this in the area that offers this kind of personalized individualized attention after clicking the shutter.

At the end of our session, we also go over your images while reconfirming suggestions, and you begin to “get it,” understanding what to be aware of the next time you pick up your camera. Participants will come away with a better perspective and understanding in how to get more fine art images.

The streets are pure theater without the obtrusive fixture of a stage. View business people, mothers, fathers, children, students, all living moments without a script. It’s a photographer’s paradise. 

Future workshops are planned and will be held in Iowa City, State Parks, and Local Parks.  Subject matter will include landscapes, use of models, lighting models with natural light as well as the use of fill flash both on and off camera and much more!

Once again, you can reserve your spot by emailing me at: or calling 319-286-8483! 


As always, hope you are having a great day!  And stay positive! 
Visions Photography – Go Beyond the Snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
319-270-7371  cell
You can also see more of my work at the following sites.  Blog

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