Johnson County Relay for Life

Last Friday, June 11th I had the honor of photographing the Johnson County Relay for Life, and was also part of the team “Everyday Heroes”

Fighting cancer has become personal to me, I lost my father to prostate cancer, my daughter in law’s mother and dear friend Mary Read to lung cancer, Mary’s husband and close friend Bob Read to Leukemia, Chief a fuzzy beloved friend and family member to Stomach cancer, and Smokey another fuzzy beloved friend and family member to Bone Cancer.   

I want to see cancer wiped out, defeated! It touches way too many lives and is just a terrible disease, and the cures so far are not much better than the disease! 

One thing I noticed as the survivors spoke was how many of them have faced multiple battles with cancer and how it sometimes affects multiple family members.

There is still time to donate to Relay for Life, please donate $10 or more to help fight this terrible disease and wipe it out for good!   

Click the link and help someone have another birthday!

A very special thanks to Jaime Moquin for inviting me to become a part of the “Everyday Heroes” team, and to Stubby Webb for her help in taking these photographs!  You’ve got a talent for catching the moment Miss Stubby!  🙂


As always, hope you are having a wonderful day!

Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, You Deserve Something Special! 
319-270-7371  cell
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