Brucemorchestra – Orchestra Iowa’s 2010 – 2011 Season Opener

(All images copyright 2010, Orchestra Iowa – Visions Photography)

Saturday, September 18, a day that will long be remembered by the staff of Orchestra Iowa! 

It rained pretty hard for a couple of hours in the late afternoon.  It let up with about a three to four-hour window with no rain about 5pm, so they decided the show must go on!    Then about an hour and a half before things were to begin, the main generator for the lights went out.  The lights also provide some warmth for the musicians.  

Despite the things Mother Nature threw at them, and the technical difficulties, Orchestra Iowa put on a flawless performance on a very cool and damp night! 

2500+ patrons turned out and cuddled up in their blankets with glasses of wine to witness the performance despite the weather!

The first half consisted of the music of Wagner, “Ride of the Valkyries” and Siegfried’s Funeral Music and Finale from “Gotterdammerung”

The second half consisted of Holst “The Planets”, and was accompanied by hi def NASA footage on a big screen. 

The finale was the Theme from Star Wars! 

I’m honored to be working with Orchestra Iowa for my 2nd year now!  I would like to thank the staff and musicians for being so kind and easy to work with. 

A special thanks also to Jaime Moquin for helping out with this event, I Soooo appreciate you having been there and braving the elements! 

If you have never had a chance to see Orchestra Iowa live, you owe it to yourself to attend one of their events or better yet, get yourself season tickets!  They are truly a world-class orchestra right here in eastern Iowa. 

photo by Jaime Moquin

photo by Jaime Moquin

photo by Jaime Moquin

  photo by Jaime Moquin

photo by Jaime Moquin

photo by Jaime Moquin

photo by Jaime Moquin

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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