3 Images Accepted to Small Works Show at The Chait Galleries Downtown

The show runs from November 5, 2010 to January 5, 2011.   The opening reception for the show is Friday, November 5, 2010 from 5-8 pm.   http://www.thegalleriesdowntown.com/

This is the 4th time I’ve had images accepted into gallery shows, the 2nd year in a row now for the Chait Galleries Downtown Small Works Show. 

I consider it an honor to be participating in this and all shows that I’ve had work accepted to.

A huge THANK YOU to ALL my CLIENTS for your loyalty, generosity and placing your trust in me!  You allow me to do what I love for a living!  For that I can’t thank you enough! 

A very special thanks to Stephanie Webb, Greg Frieden, Jaime Moquin, Miriam Anderson, Jim McKinniss, Lynn Rider, Lisa and Curtis Harris for your friendships first and foremost, and for keeping me motivated. your honest opinions, and your encouragement! 

And to you www.photoworkshop.com friends, especially Judith Farber for your constant pushing for us to improve, and to Tanja Mamas, Audrey Lee, Jim Stearns, and everyone else on PWS, a very special thanks for helping me to improve my work! 

Sunday Morning

Make it Stop

Mamas Home

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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