Orchestra Iowa – Verdi Requiem

On March 19, 2011 I once again had the honor of photographing one of Orchestra Iowa’s performances!  Words can’t really describe how much I enjoy these events and working with the great people and musicians that make up Orchestra Iowa! 

I arrive and talk specifics with Christy Frost and Robert Massey on what they are looking for.  We scope out my “spots” which varies with the different venues.  This venue was the Concert Hall at College Community which  has some of the best acoustics in this area. 

The musicians start their warmup which gives a subtle hint of the great performance about to unfold.  Then silence for a few minutes until maestro Timothy Hankewich comes on stage and takes charge.  The music starts….

It’s hard for me to describe what happens next, but I’m gonna try!  🙂  Once the music starts the best way I can describe it is I just zone out.  I see the faces on the musicians, hear the music, the music inspires me, and that just multiplies on itself throughout the performance. 

A special Thank You to Orchestra Iowa for placing your trust in me and allowing me to photograph their events!

Thank you to Claire McGranahan also for helping out at this event!  Great job and great eye! 


photo by 2nd photographer Claire McGranahan

photo by 2nd photographer Claire McGranahan


As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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