Artistic Adventures 4

Once again, it’s been a while since I posted some personal work, too long!  LoL 

The weather has been getting warmer and it reminded me of trips out to the blind and that I hadn’t posted any of these images yet. 

Late last fall, I went out to Lake MacBride Raptor Center with Greg Frieden and Stubby Webb, two really good friends of mine.  What a great place! 

You can not only get up close and personal with the raptors that are in their care, but they also have a blind.  The blind is SUPER for observing nature and birds and wildlife of all types.  We were able to observe deer, cardinals, raccoons, finches, and woodpeckers all while sitting in the blind. 

Great way to get away from everyday life and just enjoy being alive!  You can really learn a lot about life just watching nature.  


As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!

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4 Responses to Artistic Adventures 4

  1. Jim McKinniss says:

    I love the critter shots Carl. These are all from your neighborhood or close by?

    The first deer and the eagle are my favorites.

    Yes, you need to exercise the personal work muscle more.


  2. Thanks Jim! These were about 30 min from my house. Always appreciate your feedback and you dropping by! Hope all is well in LA!

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