Recent Randomness

In addition to working with clients and producing images that go beyond ordinary images for them, I really enjoy getting out and doing personal work.  I find it is great practice for improving how I “see” things and it really helps me to constantly improve my photography skills!  LoL in other words I have my camera with me just about anywhere I go!  🙂 

 These first two images are from the big snowstorm we had the first of Feb, just two months ago.  I’m sooo happy the “white stuff” is gone for a while!  🙂  I like these two images because they also show my mural that Stubby Webb did for me last November.  🙂  Thank you Miss Stubby! 

I love the challenge of Street Shooting also.  A couple of weeks ago Claire McGranahan, Greg Frieden, and myself went exploring in downtown Cedar Rapids.   The thing I like about street shooting is there is always a picture waiting around just about any corner, a blank canvas so to speak!  It’s great practice on the art of “seeing”   These next 4 are just some playing around with window reflections.

The image below is a shot of Claire shooting straight up the building.  🙂  Sorry Claire, I couldn’t resist!  🙂

I loved this wall!  A couple of stencils of a flag and Statue of Liberty. 

A random boot left in a parking lot, you just know there is a story behind this, but not sure I want to know what it really is!  LoL  🙂

This was taken inside a parking garage, I liked the way the sunshine was pouring in. 

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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2 Responses to Recent Randomness

  1. Jim McKinniss says:

    Carl – you do really have to get out to do more personal work. These are really fine photos. They showcase your creativity and sense of style.

    I like the parking structure ramp a lot.


  2. Thanks for stopping by Jim! I totally agree about doing / posting more personal work, I’m working on that! 🙂 One of my goals for this year! Plus it just keeps the mind sharp for doing the portrait work and keeps from doing the same stuff over and over! 🙂

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