Orchestra Iowa – Mahler Symphony #5

I once again had the honor of photographing a fantastic performance by Orchestra Iowa this past weekend.  They performed a flawless example of Mahler Symphony #5! 

One of the things I really enjoy about photographing live music is capturing the expressions and intensity on the faces of the musicians!  

This is my 2nd year of working with Orchestra Iowa and hope to be doing this for many years to come!  🙂 

I know I have said this before, and I will probably keep saying it, we have a world class Orchestra right here in Cedar Rapids!  So get out to Orchestra Iowa’s web site and order your 2011 – 2012 season tickets!  Don’t miss a single performance! 









As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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2 Responses to Orchestra Iowa – Mahler Symphony #5

  1. Jim McKinniss says:

    Congratulations again Carl!


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