Linn County – Relay for Life

If it involves fighting cancer you can bet I will be there!  Cancer has taken my father, two great friends, and two furry family members from me.  

I hope you enjoy the slide show and that it makes you want to help with the battle against cancer!   Please give what you can! 

After the slide show scroll down and see some of my favorite images from the walk and as always let me know what you think. 


I know at first glance this is just a crowd of faces, but look deeper, study the faces!  If you do so, you can see that cancer has touched the lives of each in the crowd.

This one speaks to me also!   To view these luminaries once lit and to see the sheer number of them, it is just incredible to me how many lives have been affected by cancer.   Each one represents a victim or survivor of cancer.  Each day cancer finds more victims! 

  This shirt says it all!

  No One Fights Alone! 

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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