Grant Wood Arts Festival – Anamosa

On Sunday, June 12 I went up to Anamosa with a dear friend of mine, Stephanie Webb aka “Stubby” who is one awesome artist.  She had been invited to be one of the artists and this was her first show.  To see more of her work, check out her facebook page.!/pages/Genre-Of-Stubby/164348730292414

The pictures shown here are a sample of random shots that I took during the day.  LoL If you know me, you know that my camera is never far away!  🙂



As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Carl Bromberg
Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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2 Responses to Grant Wood Arts Festival – Anamosa

  1. Jim McKinniss says:

    These are terrific Carl. Looks like you had a pretty good time.

    The first photo of the child I like a lot. I also really like the last one of the singer.


  2. Thanks Jim, always appreciate your feedback! 🙂

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