A Band Called Virago

On June 3, I was photographing the Relay for Life Linn County.  This band came on and I got basically hooked on the music as soon as they started playing, so I started grabbing some shots of them performing! 

Those of you who know me personally, know how much I love live music, and if there is one thing I like better than being a photographer and listening to music, it would be photographing live music!  🙂 

The name of the band is Virago and the music they play is well “awesome” 

The lead singer’s voice is what I think hooked me, she reminds me of Josh Stone in a way.  Anyway here is a few of the shots I got, hope you enjoy!  🙂 

For you photography “gear heads” out there, these were shot with my favorite lens, the Canon 70-200 2.8L IS.  A lens that in order to separate it from me will have to be pried from my cold dead hands!  LoL  😉  

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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4 Responses to A Band Called Virago

  1. Ross Kendall says:

    Greetings Carl,

    Thanks for taking pictures of the band during the Relay fro Life. I usually don’t get too many professional phtographers taking my picture, so I was very pleased that my pic was included in this set. In fact, I’m usually the one taking pics/video of other bands and giving what I have taken to them.

    Again, my sincee thanks!

    Ross Kendall sends

  2. Jan says:

    I especially like the first shot of the female singer. Super cool!

  3. Thanks for stopping by Jan, that is actually my fav too!

  4. Thanks Ross! You’re quite welcome! 🙂

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