Groundbreaking for Paramount Theatre – Orchestra Iowa

Before I get into the groundbreaking ceremonies yesterday at the Paramount Theatre in downtown Cedar Rapids, I’d like to say thank you to Orchestra Iowa for inviting me back for the 2011-2012 season as their official photographer!   🙂  This will be my third season working with Orchestra Iowa and I’ve loved every minute of it! 

The staff that makes up Orchestra Iowa, the musicians, everyone involved are just super people and awesome to work with! 

The past couple years have made me realize how much logistics are involved with every performance, setting up the stage, mixing the music for 80+ musicians, the timing, the advance planning, ticket sales, running the music school, the dedication involved is tremendous!  I’ve just named a FEW of the things that go into every single performance, there is so much more that goes on behind the scenes. 

So a big THANK YOU to Orchestra Iowa for inviting me back for a third season, I’m looking forward to many more working with you!  🙂

For those of you that have not discovered Orchestra Iowa, they are a world-class orchestra right here in Cedar Rapids and eastern Iowa!  Their performances are flawless!  You owe it to yourselves to attend one of their events, once you do you will be hooked!  You can find more information on their website at:

Ok now back to the Paramount.  In 2008 when the flood hit our town of Cedar Rapids so hard, I can still remember seeing the pictures on TV of the Paramount under water almost to the top of the Marquee.  I, like many others, was heartbroken.  “Noooo not the Paramount!”  That was my thoughts!   

It’s been a long time coming but yesterday groundbreaking happened for the renovation of this historic and wonderful theatre!  It will be back better than ever with acoustic improvements, better seating and a host of other improvements!  I’m SOoooo looking forward to the first performance of Orchestra Iowa in November of 2012 in this wonderful venue!  There are only approximately 300 theatres like this remaining in the whole country and one of the best is going to be right here in Cedar Rapids when these renovations are completed!  🙂  

It was an honor for me to be a small part of this event!  🙂 


The Staff of Orchestra Iowa

The Orchestra Iowa Brass Quintet inside the Paramount Theatre “Wall of Mirrors”

Inside the Paramount looking toward the stage.


The Brass Quintet once again on the stage area, shot from the balcony.

As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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2 Responses to Groundbreaking for Paramount Theatre – Orchestra Iowa

  1. Jim McKinniss says:

    Carl – I’m so happy that you have been recognized by the Orchestra as the photographer whose work will present them to the public.

    The photos of members playing while wearing hard hats are great.


  2. Thanks Jim, Loved the shots of the musicians in hard hats also, thought those were a nice touch!

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