Brenda and Adam

Brenda and Adam were married on June 25, 2011 at Saint John’s Lutheran church in Newhall Iowa.  The reception was at Terra Hills Country Club in Van Horne, Ia. 

Words can’t describe how awesome these two are!  You can just “feel” the love they have for each other by just being around them!  Photography wise, they were up for anything including a walk in the rain with those great red umbrellas Brenda brought! 

Congratulations to Brenda and Adam and thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your special day!  

A special thank you also to Jaime Moquin for your great 2nd camera work, you got some awesome shots at Terra Hills!  🙂 

I saved the best shots for last.  Jaime and I got some awesome shots at the Terra Hills Country Club, beautiful couple, beautiful clouds, beautiful grounds, fantastic late evening light!  What more can a couple of photographers ask for?  🙂  Ahhhhh, I SO love my job!  🙂 

 This was one of those weddings where everything went perfectly, a little rainy in the morning, but the weather overall was fantastic and cleared up by evening making for some great shots outdoors. 

At the very end there is also a slide show if you care to take a look at the full story of the day! 

    photo by 2nd photographer Jaime Moquin

    photo by 2nd photographer Jaime Moquin

  photo by 2nd photographer Jaime Moquin

  photo by 2nd photographer Jaime Moquin, awesome catch Jaime! 

  photo by 2nd photographer Jaime Moquin……great shot Jaime!

  photo by 2nd photographer Jaime Moquin, another awesome one! 


As Always have a great day and Stay Positive! 

Visions Photography – Go beyond the snapshot, YOU deserve something special!
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