Cedar Rapids SIDS Walk

What a pleasure it was to participate these last two years in the Cedar Rapids SIDS “Walk for the Future”  All the images in the slide show are from this years walk on Saturday, August 22nd.  It was emotional and uplifting at the same time.   I got involved with SIDS for two reasons.  My neighbor lost their son, Cole to SIDS appx two years ago.  And when I lived in Texas I had the honor of photographing little Brian.  Three days after that photo session Brian passed away from SIDS. 


If you can, please give a donation, SIDS is so devastating to the parents that have lost babies.  Can you imagine what this would be like, to wake up one morning and find your precious little angel has passed away?   http://www.iowasids.org/  Please help if you can! 

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As always, hope you are having a wonderful day!


Visions Photography

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