A Tribute to 2 Furry Family Members – Smokey and Chief

It was a tough 90 days for me and started on the December 19, 2009 the day I lost Smokey after 13 great years together!  Then on March 25, 2010 I lost Chief!  Both to cancer, but different types of cancer.  I miss you guys but I know you are still with me in my heart and soul! 🙂  See ya both again someday at the “Bridge!”  In the meantime, have fun playing together!  🙂 

Smokey my fuzzy, sometimes goofy bestest friend ever, will always be with me and he has truly touched my life in a very very special way!  From the first time he looked up at me he instantly won me over with those wonderful eyes of his and that special loving look of his! :)  If you care to read more about Smokey, you can do so here:  http://wp.me/Pr4IS-bl



This is one of my favorite pics of Smokey!  🙂

Chief was a very special dog, companion, friend, teacher, mentor, family member, who I shared a very special bond with! He lived a great life for 11 1/2 years, he touched a lot of lives, and was loved by all that met him! Both my son and myself fell in love with him the first time we met him. This was so common, he was just one of those dogs that you instantly fall in love with, not because of the beauty he was graced with, and he was beautiful, but for that wonderful energy he had about him!

Chief in his lifetime got to do and see so much, more than lots of dogs and even more than some people get to experience. He was a Therapy Dog who helped a lot and I mean a LOT of people.

Chief had such a wonderful calming and healing energy to him! He got to work with cancer patients, elderly in nursing homes, adults and children alike! He helped many to retrieve their lives by giving them hope and love! He was just that way! Always giving what he could give!

You can read more about Chief here:  http://wp.me/Pr4IS-jk

Little Chief Timber Wolf

My favorite picture of Chief, where he liked to be…out in the snow and the deeper the better!  LoL

And this next couple pictures are very special to me also!  🙂  

Smokey and Chief together, they became really good buds!!

Chief and Me on the left
Smokey and Me on the right
The whole "pack" in the middle with Mia out front.
photos by Greg Frieden
Layout by me.

As always, hope you are having a great day! And stay positive! :)
Visions Photography – Go Beyond the Snapshot, YOU deserve something special!

You can also see more of my work at the following sites.

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2 Responses to A Tribute to 2 Furry Family Members – Smokey and Chief

  1. Ruth Morrison says:

    Amazing blog Carl.Totally profound,touching,tender and beautiful! Full of heart and soul.Both Chief and Smokey,beautiful,amazing ,wonderful dogs. Of course you got me in tears earlier to-day when I first read it, and wasn’t able to respond until now. Very emotional blog.Thank you for sharing your most heartfelt feelings,hope that it was an emotional outlet for you.

  2. Thank you Ruth, so glad you took the time to check it out, and glad you liked it! 🙂

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