UI Dance Marathon

Last Friday, Feb 5, 2010 I had the privilege of photographing some of the children and their families that were participating in the University of Iowa Dance Marathon.  http://www.uiowa.edu/~dancemar/  I was so inspired by these children and their strength in fighting this terrible disease!  The thing that impressed me most was how special the shoot was for the kids and their families.  The fact that in the midst of dealing with such a disease, the willingness to open themselves up to being photographed is a testament to their resilience and the importance of these pictures in documenting their “spirit and strength” which was just incredible to witness!

Dance Marathon is a student run philanthropy dedicated to supporting oncology patients being treated at University of Iowa Children’s Hospital. It is a year-round organization that culminates with a 24 hour-long BIG Event in February. To date, Dance Marathon has raised over $8.6 million dollars for children being treated in Iowa City, 1,058,568.16 was raised for the children this year alone!

The photography for the children and families is coordinated by another great organization called “Flashes of Hope”.  http://www.flashesofhope.org/  They coordinate between the events, photographers, and all involved and provide these images to the families, all free of charge. 

I hope you enjoy the pictures and get a little inspired yourself from the smiles on the faces and their strength and spirit!  I’m honored to have been a part of it!  A special thanks to Jaime Moquin and Stubby Webb for helping out, you definately made my job much easier, and more importantly helped create some memories for both the children and the families!  THANK YOU Jaime and Stubby!!!

Visions Photography
319-270-7371  cell
You can also see more of my work at the following sites.
http://www.visionsphotography.wordpress.com  Blog

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3 Responses to UI Dance Marathon

  1. Chris Whitney says:

    Carl-I lost my nephew to leukemia just last May, after a 2 year battle. I wrote an essay about my Dad’s photograph of Mark’s friends, commemorating his life. I “see” the same feelings in your images. These images are not about the disease, but the humanity in the face of it, the beauty that is written on the faces of those who are touched.
    You have a special way of applying your creativity to the human portrait.

  2. So sorry to hear about your nephew Chris! I agree, the pictures are about the humanity in the face of a terrible disease, I wanted to bring out the strength and beauty in the faces for these kids and their families. While I havn’t lost anyone young from cancer, it has taken my father, grandmother, and numerous close friends. It’s also taken both of my daughter in law’s parents in the last 3 years. Thank you for the kind words!

  3. stubby says:

    youre welcome! you know i love helping out when i can :)… ok ok.. i just like hogging your camera!!! hugs to all those who go through such a heart retching ordeal. but remember.. the hardest things in life can bring on the most beautiful memories! hugs to alls!~

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